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High Resolution in Solar Physics

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     Springer Verlag
Physik- und Astronomiebücher - engl...
Physik-, Astronomiebücher
physik bücher
Professor Rösch, Pic du Midi and high resolution.- Acknowledgements and comments.- The large European solar telescope.- The European observatory at the Canary Islands.- High resolution solar observations.- Adaptive image stabilization of solar observations: A review.- Collages of granulation pictures / Poster.- Simulated correlation tracking on solar granulation.- High resolution speckle imaging of solar small-scale structure: The influence of anisoplanatism.- Speckle interferometry technique applied to the study of granular velocities.- The interest of simultaneous spectral and spatial high resolution spectroscopy in the infrared.- Preliminary results obtained with a new experimental apparatus for solar spectropolarimetry.- Solar two-dimensional spectroscopy with universal birefringent filters and fabry-perot interferometeRS.- Solar high resolution balloon spectra obtained in the 190-300 nm wavelength band.- Hundredths of arcsec resolutions with new optical correctors on deep u.v. photoresist.- Observations of the birth and fine structure of sunspot penumbrae.- The high resolution structure of the sun.- Fine structure and evolution of solar granulation.- Temperature gradients in the solar granulation.- Line profiles and longitudinal velocity field in seeing limited small-scale atmospheric structures.- Determination of magnetic fields in unresolved features.- Evershed effect and magnetic field in penumbral finestructures.- Bright points in Ha wings and connected mass flows in the solar chromosphere.- Quantitative filtergram imagery of the solar acoustic oscillations.- Theoretical interpretation of small-scale solar features.- Relevance of magnetic flux expulsion from the lower solar atmosphere to the acceleration of the solar wind.- Magnetic and velocity fieldanalysis of a quiet region near the center of the sun.- A possible mechanism for solar photosphere bright point formation.- The structure of the solar granulation.- A model for the run of the horizontal and vertical velocities in the deep photosphere.- Influence of umbral dots on sunspot models.- Some results of photospheric fine structure investigations at the Pulkovo observatory.- Atmospheric fine structure as a probe for the solar interior.- Variability of the quiet photospheric network.- Search for giant convective cells from the analysis of meudon spectroheliograms.- The variability of photospheric granulation and total radio flux of quiet sun in the centimetric waveband during a solar cycle.- Dynamic phenomena in the chromospheric umbra and penumbra of a sunspot.- Photometry of light-bridges in sunspots.- Observations of Ellerman bombs in H?.- Summary.
Weitere Informationen:
Richard Muller
Springer Berlin
Weitere Suchbegriffe: granulation; Chromosphere; Interferometry; Observatory; Photometry; Solar wind; Spectroscopy; Sun; Telescope, Granulation, Physics, chromosphere, interferometry, observatory, photometry, solar physics, solar wind, spectroscopy, sun
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